
第92回「非線形・統計力学とその周辺」セミナーのご案内 日時:平成20年2月28日(木)15時から17時まで


講演者: Arkady Pikovsky(Potsdam大学)

Self-organized quasiperiodicity in nonlinearly coupled oscillator ensembles


We generalize the Kuramoto-Daido model of globally coupled oscillators
to the case of nonlinear coupling and describe a transition from fully
synchronous periodic oscillations to partially synchronous
quasiperiodic dynamics in such a system. We present an analytically
solvable model that predicts a regime where the mean field does not
entrain individual oscillators, but has a frequency incommensurate to
theirs. The self-organized onset of quasiperiodicity is illustrated
with Landau-Stuart oscillators and a Josephson junction array with a
nonlinear coupling.
本講演は 文部科学省「21世紀COEプログラム