



講演者:Prof. Lei-Han Tang (Dept. of Phys., Hong Kong Baptist University)

In silico simulation and analysis of microbial metabolism


Through evolution living organisms have developed an elaborate network of
enzyme-facilitated reactions and transport to process and cycle
biochemical compounds for cell growth. A majority of these reactions are
uni-directional, yet the network allows an organism to live on a variety
of carbon sources and synthesize a diverse set of compounds in varying
amounts. We found that biosynthesis of the end products can proceed
independently. In the three genome-wide in silico
models examined, the optimal yield for simultaneous synthesis of two
compounds is only about 3% higher than what is achievable under separate
production of individual compounds. In most cases, the residual
correlation can be attributed to the requirement of energy, redox
potential, or charge balance. These observations quantify, in the context
of cellular metabolism, the bow-tie analogy which has been argued to
provide a ubiquitous architecture for multi-input/multi-output networks.