



講演者:Prof. Ying-Cheng Lai(Arizona State Univ.)

講演題目: Transition to Chaos in Random Dynamical Systems


Noise-induced chaos is a fundamental problem in nonlinear dynamics
and statistical physics. The focus of our recent research in this
direction has been on continuous-time dynamical systems for common
situations where a nonchaotic (e.g., periodic) attractor coexists
with a nonattracting chaotic set, as in a periodic window. Under
the influence of noise, the attractor of the system can become
chaotic, as characterized by the appearance of a positive Lyapunov
exponent. In this talk, the dynamical mechanism responsible for
the transition will be explained and a general scaling law for
the largest Lyapunov exponent versus the noise variation will be
derived. Related issues such as intermittency, change in the topology
of the flow, and unstable dimension variability will be discussed.
Numerical and experimental confirmation of these results will be