(Seminar on nonlinear mechanics)

Date: 6th November, 1997, from 1:00pm
日時: 平成9年11月6日(木)午後1時より  

Place: Room No.215 of building No.6 (lecture room)
場所: 数理工学教室第1講義室(工学部6号館2階215号室)

講演者: A.D.D.Craik(京都大学招へい外国人学者)

Title :The stability of three-dimensional time-periodic flows with uniform strain rates

The stability of unbounded flows with uniform strain-rates can be analysed exactly in several cases. Here, previous work is reviewed and some new work of Forster & Craik is described.
1. Steady flows with uniform strain rates.
2. The linear stability problem.
3. The 'elliptic instability' of Bayly and of Craik & Criminale (1986).
4. Time-periodic axisymmetric flow with vorticity (Craik & Allen,1992).
5. Quasi-periodic potentials for non-axisymmetric flows: the approach of Bayly, Holm & Lifshitz (1996) for Kida vortex flows.
6. Three-dimensional time-periodic non-axisymmetric flows of Forster & Craik: stability results.
7. Interpretation and comment.